Alright, onto another book review...Yeah, I know, I probably read a bit too much. But it's fun. haha This time, book two of the Dresden Files, Fool Moon.
The story itself was quite good. If you can't guess, paranormal book, moon in the title, werewolves play an important role. But unlike most books in the genre, Butcher takes a much wider and more interesting view of werewolves. And it was one of the things that I really loved about it. Different cultural perspectives on werewolves, and a fantastic combination of different themes comes together and works extremely well. Two thumbs way up to Butcher for his fresh take on a genre cliche.
Dresden also gets a good bit of character development. He still seems a bit flat at times, but is growing. His backstory begins to get fleshed out and I'm interested in seeing where it is going. I do love him though. He's a character that bleeds, that has limitations. There is room for growth, but it seems like Butcher is going to stay within the rules of his world so far. (Unlike some authors with their heroes. *coughHamiltonBlakecough*)
Yeah, I know, not the best review again, but I'm still working on getting back into writing. Give me some more time and I'll get back up to speed. :) Stick with me until then. But thumbs up to the book, looking forward to getting the next. Fun, entertaining, and pulls you into the story, that's what I look for in books generally and this one fills them nicely. If you like paranormal thillers, give it a shot.
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